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'Reiki is love. Love is wholeness. Wholeness is balance. Balance is wellbeing. Wellbeing is freedom from disease.'

- Dr. Mikao Usui

What is Reiki?

Reiki means universal life energy, which animates us and is found all around us. A method of healing that dates back about 2,500 years, Reiki was re-discovered and developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a form of spiritual healing that channels Prana or Chi energy to harmonise the body, mind and spirit.

In simple terms, Reiki consists of body work that involves light or floating touch over key points of the body, focused largely around the energetic chakras. Chakras can be considered as 'windmills of energy', always shifting and sometimes blocking - which can often result in physical or emotional manifestations. Reiki works towards re-balancing the chakras, allowing your energy to flow as clearly as possible. Light crystal work is also available in my sessions. 

Why receive Reiki?

Reiki can be used as a complimentary holistic treatment for a wide range of ailments, naturally adapting itself to the needs of the recipient:

  • promotes natural self-healing

  • balances the energies of the body

  • strengthens the immune system

  • clears toxins

  • can help to treat both symptoms and root causes of illnesses

  • relieves pain (chronic and transitory)

  • relaxes and reduces stress

  • releases blocked and suppressed emotions

  • enhances personal awareness

  • aids meditation and positive thinking

  • promotes creativity 

  • heals holistically


Who can receive Reiki?

Anyone can receive Reiki. Sessions for children will usually be shorter than those for adults, because they often find it harder to sit or lay still for a long period of time (hands-off/distance healing is also an option here for the very young). Treatments are always discussed in advance and modified in order to best accommodate each client.

It is important to note that Reiki is not a religion and that anybody can benefit from it. Reiki is suitable whatever your faith or beliefs. The only thing you need to have is a sincere wish to help yourself. Most healing systems are based on intent, and this is no different with Reiki.

How do sessions work?

The client relaxes, fully dressed, on a treatment bed or seated while the healer places his/her hands on or just above the client. A session can last up to an hour, depending on the treatment required. Standard hand positions are used that cover all the important organs and energy points of the body. There is little or no pressure on the body, making it an entirely non-invasive process. Usually when receiving Reiki the client feels very relaxed and may even experience a ‘floating’ feeling. It is also possible to feel heat, a tingling, or cold under the practitioner’s hands. These sensations come from the movement of Reiki energy in and around your body, i.e. adding energy, removing excess energy, balancing, removing blockages, etc. There is no exchange of energy between the client and the practitioner. The practitioner is simply a channel of energy - similar to creating a current in a circuit.

What are Reiki & Art Therapy sessions?

The combination of Reiki and Art Therapy provides the opportunity to reflect on one’s current emotional and/or physical state whilst keeping verbal processing and thinking at bay. By attaining a higher level of corporal consciousness and relaxation through Reiki, the level of mental interference during ensuing artistic expression is subdued, allowing for a more genuine reflection. 

- Reiki Mantra -

Just for today, I will let go of anger.

Just for today, I will let go of worry.

Today, I will count my many blessings.

Today, I will do my work honestly.

Today, I will be kind to every living creature. 

(Mikao Usui)

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