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'As long as we are not living in harmony with nature

and our constitution, we cannot expect ourselves to

really be healed. Ayurveda gives us the means.'

- Dr. David Frawley

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India (often referred to as 'the mother of all healing), and is a truly holistic approach to health. It is based upon the observation of living beings and their actual reactions to their environment, helping us to understand the effects that all of our actions and habits (eating, sleeping, work, exercise, social interactions, etc.) have on our bodies and minds. It is a humanistic, natural and person-centred healing modality that focuses on the individual, controlling disease through balancing the life force within ourselves. 

Why adopt Ayurveda?

Nature is wise, and knows how to balance itself. One of the biggest problems of modern society is that we have become disconnected from the natural world. In doing so, we have lost contact with all of the little things that helped us maintain balance in the first place - think eating seasonally, rising with the sun and sleeping when it sets, and even spending time outdoors in nature. With a little bit of tweaking, we can make a conscious effort to re-connect with our natural rhythms, and the knock-on effects of this are quickly noticeable.

Offering tailor-made lifestyle regimens for self-healing and self-care, Ayurveda is considered a proactive and preventive form of healthcare - as opposed to Western approaches to healthcare which are more passive and curative. Ayurveda assesses the root causes of disease or imbalances rather than focusing on the relief of symptoms. Its priority is achieving and maintaining optimal positive health for the individual - in fact, local Ayurvedic practitioners in ancient times were better remunerated when their patients did not come to visit them! 

Who can benefit from Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a science for positive health and fulfilment in all walks of life. Healing approaches are tailored not only to age, but also to seasons and even living environments. It is believed that being able to maintain optimal health (physical & mental) will lead to a happier and more satisfied life - and it's never too early or too late to start.


How do sessions work?

Ayurvedic life-style sessions are 100% tailored to the client. We start by filling out a questionnaire which will allow us to determine your Dosha or body constitution. There are 3 main doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (water) - there will be more or less of each of these doshas in everybody. Based on how these doshas manifest themselves in your body and mind, we then create a personalised programme with the aim of restoring balance to your system. Treatment methods range from changes in diet, schedule and exercise regimes, to the use of herbs/spices, teas and breath-work to bring balance to the body and its systems. The only thing that the client needs to bring to the table is a true desire and commitment to make these changes in their lifestyle for their greater good.

Sessions are available in person (Madrid, Spain) or online. Contact me with any questions or for more information.

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