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My Story

My journey into the world of holistic health began after finishing university in 2010, when I enrolled in a Drama Therapy certificate course in the UK. Having always been drawn to the Arts & Psychology, I was fascinated by the opportunity to merge the two in one healing modality.

This course led me to complete a European Masters in Art Therapy in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) from 2011-2013, during which I worked predominantly with children in hospital settings. In the years since then, I have gathered experience working in schools, special education centres, shelters, charities and in private homes.

I was introduced to Reiki while working in hospitals, where it was being used as an alternative & complementary form of care for patients - mostly to ease pain & promote relaxation to counter anxiety. Having now trained with a Usui Reiki Master in Abu Dhabi (UAE), and completed several courses online to a Master Level, I am a strong believer in the power & effectiveness of Reiki as an energetic healing modality.

While living in Abu Dhabi, I discovered yet another passion: Yoga. This beautiful part of my journey led me to complete a 200h Hatha Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training at the Association for Yoga and Meditation (AYM) in Rishikesh (India) in 2016. I am also certified in Kids Yoga (15h - Dubai, UAE) and Pregnancy Yoga (85h - Dubai, UAE). I have been teaching yoga regularly (in the UAE and now Spain) for the last four years.

During my yoga teacher training, an additional door was opened - into the world of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the traditional natural medicine of India, sometimes referred to as 'the mother of all healing', a truly holistic and person-centred approach to maintaining optimum health for a long, happy and fulfilled life. I recently completed a 300h training as an Ayurvedic Life-Style Consultant via the American Institute of Vedic Studies. 

And thus 'Asha with Tascha' was born! A platform dedicated to Art Therapy, Reiki, Yoga and Ayurveda. A place where all the pieces from my personal jigsaw come together in offering a complete approach to holistic health - attending to body, mind and soul.

For more information about my education, training & experience, please visit my LinkedIn page. 

Languages: Trilingual in English, Spanish & French

Get a sense of my philosophy and teaching style by following me on Instagram!

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Asha; आशा

Definition in Sanskrit: wish, hope, desire.

Also associated to the Swahili word meaning 'life', as well as Aisha in Arabic which means 'alive', and Asher in Hebrew meaning 'happy'.

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